Oakville Mayor Race October 2010
The final stretch for the 2010 Oakville, Ontario Canada race for mayor is here.
It seems it is mainly a two way race among 4 contenders: Incumbent Mayor Rob Burton vs. ex-mayor Ann Mulvale.
There has been quite some political wrangling making headlines during this local campaign with some confusion about the main issues as being spun by challengers.
It is quite easy to blame any current administration for budget issues and a common ploy to gain sympathy among community members. But this time, the two main front runners in the campaign based on casual observation and discussions with community members have both had a chance to show their colours. Mayor Burton has served the Towne and community very well and despite the huge financial crisis we all had to live through, our community has made out very well thanks in part to the local leadership. Previous mayor Ann Mulvale also had a chance to prove what she was capable of during her previous mayorship, so there are no surprises regarding the governing style of either candidate.
If you are an Oakville resident, help keep our community a strong one and let your voice be heard on election day. Voting locations throughout Oakville, Ontario open at 10 a.m. on Monday October 25, 2010.
Elections being held include Mayor, Town and Regional Councilors, Halton District School Board Trustees and Regional Chair among others. There are also advance voting locations available. The campaigning has been fierce and there have been numerous opportunities to meet and listen to the candidates and also see them on Cogeco cable tv. (The Mayoral debate was aired October 14, 2010).
Good Luck to Mayor Burton for his re-election and to all of the candidates. Vote Oakville!